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- April-2023-General-Conference-Sunday-AM
- April-2023-General-Conference-Sunday-AM
- April-2023-General-Conference-Sunday-AM
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Individual Talk Summaries
- Elder D. Todd Christofferson: ‘One in Christ’
- President Camille N. Johnson: ‘Jesus Christ Is Relief’
- Elder Ulisses Soares: ‘Followers of the Prince of Peace’
- Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita: ‘When to Receive Your Patriarchal Blessing’
- Elder Neil L. Andersen: ‘My Mind Caught Hold Upon This Thought’
- Elder Kevin R. Duncan: ‘A Voice of Gladness!’
- President Russell M. Nelson: ‘Peacemakers Needed’
Watch the full Sunday morning session now.
President Russell M. Nelson concluded the Sunday morning session of April 2023 general conference by calling for peacemakers.

President Russell M. Nelson of the First Presidency, encourages peacemaking during the Sunday morning session of general conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 2, 2023. 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
In a world of vulgarity, fault finding, insults and people eager to damage another’s reputation, disciples of Jesus Christ should be examples of how to interact with others — especially when there is a difference of opinion, President Nelson said.
“The Savior’s message is clear: His true disciples build, lift, encourage, persuade and inspire — no matter how difficult the situation,” President Nelson said. “True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers.”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles taught about becoming “one in Christ” and loving others.
“Only in Jesus Christ can we truly become one,” he said. “By ‘putting on Christ,’ it becomes possible either to resolve or to lay aside differences, disagreements and disputes.”
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles focused on the moment in Alma’s Book of Mormon conversion when he “caught hold upon” the truth of Jesus Christ.
“As you attentively catch hold of this thought of Jesus Christ, trust in Him and keep His commandments, I promise you not only heavenly guidance, but heavenly power,” Elder Andersen said.
In a world of personal attacks and heated disputes, Elder Ulisses Soares, also of the Quorum of the Twelve, encouraged members to develop Christlike attributes that promote the Savior’s peace.
“As we strive to develop attributes like the Savior’s, we can become instruments of His peace in the world,” he said.
Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita and Elder Kevin R. Duncan, both General Authority Seventies, also spoke during the Sunday morning session.
“Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we may be relieved of the burden and consequences of sin and be succored in our infirmities,” said President Johnson. Partnering with Jesus Christ allows people to provide His relief to all of God’s children, she said.
Elder Yamashita outlined the purposes for a patriarchal blessing and encouraged those who have not yet received a patriarchal blessing to prepare to do so. “A patriarchal blessing is eternal, and if you live worthy, promises that are not fulfilled in this life will be granted in the next,” he said.
Elder Duncan said the adversary’s power is threatened by temples, which is why he does anything he can to stop temple work. “As temples and covenant keepers grow in number, the adversary grows weaker,” he said.
President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, conducted the session. Prayers were offered by Elder James R. Rasband and Elder Thierry K. Mutombo, General Authority Seventies.
Music was performed by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, directed by Mack Wilberg, with organists Andrew Unsworth and Richard Elliott. Selections were “Glory to God on High,” “My Redeemer Lives,” “Secret Prayer,” “Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah,” “This Is the Christ” and “I Believe in Christ.”