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Students Give Book of Mormon Presentation at Yale Divinity School

yale students book of mormon

Bryan Bozung, left, and Erik Yingling, right, stand in front of the Yale Divinity School, where they are studying religion. Photo courtesy of Bryan Bozung.

Two members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) gave a presentation on the Book of Mormon to the Yale Divinity School in January. Erik Yingling and Bryan Bozung, who are also Yale graduate students, discussed academic aspects of the Book of Mormon; they also shared personal feelings about the book and how it has guided their lives.

They say the students at the Yale Divinity School, who come from a variety of religious backgrounds, asked tough but insightful questions.

“They genuinely wanted to see what the Mormon perspective was, not to be argumentative about it by any means,” Bozung says. Yingling adds that “people here are very open-minded. It’s a great setting for a Mormon to be in. People have been truly inviting and willing to learn.”

Mormons revere the Book of Mormon, along with the Bible and other books, as sacred scriptures and study these books together in their preaching and personal study. Latter-day Saints consider the Book of Mormon to be a keystone of their religion and a record of great ancient-American civilizations.

Read the full story of Yingling and Bozung’s Yale Divinity School experience at’s Church News and Events page, a news source intended primarily for Church members.

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