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News Release

Latter-day Saints Around the World Wish Their Beloved Prophet a Happy 100th Birthday 

Social Media Posts and Acts of Love Celebrate President Nelson

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints found creative ways to wish Russell M. Nelson, 17th President of the Church, a happy 100th birthday on September 9, 2024. 

Hundreds of thousands streamed a broadcast birthday celebration during which Church leadership, family and global leaders reflected on the ministry of President Nelson as President and Prophet of the Church.  

Throughout the world, many people found additional ways to celebrate this historic day. 

Singing Songs

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, Primary children around the globe sang songs and celebrated, like this group in Sydney, Australia:

It wasn’t just children who joined in singing but entire congregations, like this group in Mexico:

Birthday Cards and Banners

In Central Africa, members printed and posed with a large card. 

Young adults in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, congratulated and thanked President Nelson with messages on a large banner. 

And last month, a Guinness World Record was awarded for a card signed by more than 31,000 people for President Nelson’s birthday. 

Video Messages

A video message from a group of young adults from Kasoa, Ghana, is filled with favorite quotes from the prophet and ends with members standing to form the number 100. 

Video wishes have also gone out from Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru. 


It wasn’t just members of the faith who celebrated. The city of Barranqueras in Argentina delivered a municipal declaration in President Nelson’s honor noting, “In an emotional ceremony, we delivered the Declaration of Municipal Interest in recognition of his legacy and contribution to the spirituality and well-being of millions of people around the world.” 

🎉 **Entrega de Declaración de Interés Municipal en Barranqueras por el 100° Natalicio del Dr. Russell M. Nelson** 🎉 Hoy...

Posted by Concejo Municipal de Barranqueras on Monday, September 9, 2024

Utah made a similar declaration, designating September 9, 2024, as “President Russell M. Nelson Day.


In Mexico, members of the Cuautitlán congregation printed a large image of a cake and added a candle for each act of service they carried out.

Para conmemorar el centenario del presidente @russellmnelson, los hermanos del Barrio Cuautitlán de la Estaca Melchor...

Posted by La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días en México on Sunday, September 8, 2024

His Birthday Wish

These many birthday wishes are added to those who honored President Nelson’s own wish to reach out to one person in need. In the past 100 days, many people have answered that call and posted their experiences to social media platforms using the hashtag #99plus1.

I am soon approaching my 100th birthday. One of the places where the Savior used the number 100 in the scriptures was...

Posted by Russell M. Nelson on Saturday, June 1, 2024

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