This past Sunday's dedication of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by President Thomas S. Monson was a historic day for the Church. Not only does the Kyiv Ukraine Temple provide a shorter commute to the nearest temple for 31,000 Church members in Eastern Europe, but this temple is also the first of its kind in the former Soviet Union.
Church members from Ukraine and other countries in the Kyiv Ukraine Temple district attended Saturday's cultural celebration and Sunday's dedicatory services. Many other members in the temple district watched the dedicatory services via satellite transmission. Several Mormon missionaries and others in Eastern Europe blogged about last weekend's historic events.
One senior missionary couple wrote the following about Saturday night's cultural event:
[President Monson] and President Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson were present at the Cultural Celebration the previous evening. It was quite a spectacular event. Nine different countries participated with all their colorful folk costumes, dances and songs. Lots of fun and lots of energy. (Read more at their blog.)
Of Sunday's temple dedication, one missionary wrote:
One of my favorite parts was just being able to laugh with our prophet. During the cornerstone ceremony he was laughing and just being himself. (Read more at her blog.)
Another couple witnessed the temple dedication from a city in eastern Ukraine. Here's how they described the dedication:
It was so wonderful to see the faces of the [members] as they came out of the first session of the Dedication. They are so happy to have a Temple here in Ukraine!! (Read more at their blog.)
Below is a list of other blogs that detailed last weekend's events and the Kyiv Ukraine Temple open house.
Kiev Ukraine Temple Dedication