In Your Own Words is a regular sampling of online articles, blog posts and social media that represent some of the current conversations about Mormonism. The posts in this series do not necessarily represent the views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nor are they meant to be a comprehensive summary of the online conversations about the Church. The intent is to highlight social media content from individuals that will help journalists and the public better understand Mormonism.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife Susan Bednar answered submitted questions from youth on Tuesday evening, May 12, 2015.
Youth were invited to ask the couple questions in a live social event, which was headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and featured youth participation from at least 98 countries, including the Philippines and Guatemala.
(Above) Elder David A. Bednar and Sister Susan Bednar wave to youth attending the live Face to Face event in the Guatemala on May 12, 2015.
The Church has over 15 million members worldwide with approximately 9 million members living outside of the United States. With the help of some translation, Elder and Sister Bednar answered questions from around the world about living one’s faith and coming closer to God. They discussed looking for good influences and memorizing scripture verses.
Have faith. Faith in the Lord. Faith in yourself. And faith in the future. #LDSFace2Face
— Kathy Penrod (@katpen5) May 12, 2015
If you are having thoughts that you don't want, then get up and change your activity #SisterBednar #LDSFace2Face
— Maude Beckman (@MaudeBeckman) May 12, 2015
If it invites & entices us to do good, it is from Christ and we should do it. #LDSFace2Face @BednarDavidA
— Chris Infanger (@Waltzon19) May 12, 2015
Almost 5,000 questions were sent via the Youth Activities site with thousands more submitted over other social channels. One of the popular questions leading up to the event was that of an apostle’s role and what it was like for Elder Bednar to serve. The question was asked in person by a Hindu foreign exchange student from India who was listening to the apostle from only a few feet away.
Interesting to get a question from a Hindu boy during #LDSFace2Face
— Mark R-K (@Mark_RK) May 12, 2015
(Above) A young man from India asked Elder David A. Bednar what it was like being an apostle for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during the live Face to Face event on May 12, 2015.
With a smile on his face, Elder Bednar mentioned how some may know apostles from speaking at meetings and general conference (the semiannual gathering of Church members); however, the real role of an apostle is to serve individuals. Elder Bednar mentioned an experience shortly after he was called, saying that he went to speak to a congregation, but God’s real purpose was to have him counsel with one specific individual, which he did.
Would the Lord send an apostle halfway around the world to help one person? The answer is YES. He is aware of us! #LDSFace2Face
— Amanda Winters (@AmandaMoWinters) May 12, 2015
#LDSFace2Face @BednarDavidA "the most important job of an apostle is often helping the ONE." #apostlestrong
— Westfield Ward YM (@WestfieldWardYM) May 12, 2015
To be an apostle is to be sent by God to help the one #LDSface2face
— Emilee Hawton (@emileehawtie) May 12, 2015
A question out of Mexico also asked how youth can build their self-esteem, and another asked how youth can stay close to God and receive answers to life’s challenging questions.
Beauty is a frame of mind, not an outward appearance. #LDSFace2Face
— Matt Bidstrup (@MattBidstrup) May 12, 2015
#Elder Bednar .... LOVE is a noun and a verb... live to be both.. #Silvertonward #elderbednar #LDSFace2Face
— Reynold Gardner (@sirpinalot) May 12, 2015
How to develop the desire to learn? Develop the right attitude and recognize the importance of education! #LDSFace2Face
— Amanda Winters (@AmandaMoWinters) May 12, 2015
"Branch out into your studies, in your secular studies and your spiritual studies." - #SisterBednar #LDSFace2Face
— Matthew Groom (@PresidentGrooms) May 12, 2015
"Learning, changing, improving" #LDSFace2Face
— K▴A▴Y▴L▴A (@starrstepper1) May 12, 2015
Don't be afraid of change. You may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better. #LDSFace2Face
— Carson Greer (@Carsonpgreer) May 12, 2015
(Above) Sister Susan Bednar shares counsel during the live Face to Face event on May 12, 2015.
Others noted that technology made it possible to hear directly from the senior Church leader and his wife.
Amazing use of technology to gather youth from all over the world tonight. #LDSFace2Face
— Dave Anderson (@cougarfandave) May 12, 2015
The team behind the scenes #LDSFace2Face @fcamilo @jonryanjensen
— Cody B Loveland (@CodyBLoveland) May 12, 2015
In a KSL story, Elder Bednar said it was thrilling to see how technology could bond youth from around the world. In what many called the largest youth activity, the event allowed young women and men to connect in their congregations and online.
This really is a great time to be around. I love you, everybody! Thank you for being here tonight! #LDSFace2Face
— Stephanie Pack (@treefig787) May 12, 2015
This is what happens when 100,000s of teenagers get on social media at the same time with the intention to uplift. #LDSFace2Face
— YA Defender; (@veryrealisticya) May 12, 2015
(Above) Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife Susan Bednar answered submitted questions from youth on Tuesday evening, May 12, 2015.
As the event ended, many shared their appreciation and hopes that another will take place.
Okay, but for real, that broadcast was one of the coolest things ever #LDSFace2Face
— Angie Hanks (@AngelaRae23) May 12, 2015
Live chat with Elder Bednar was pretty chill. #LDSFace2Face
— jae bae (@jaede7147) May 12, 2015
Feeling enlightened and happy... #LDSFace2Face
— Celeste Jasmine (@nerdyceleste) May 12, 2015
Thank you very much sister and elder Bednar,their words inspired me @BednarDavidA #LDSFace2Face
— Claudio (@Acnail) May 12, 2015
tuned into #LDSface2face right as someone asked a question that I've pondered for some time now. thank you @BednarDavidA for the counsel
— Melany Chavez (@melany__chavez) May 12, 2015
That was a pretty solid broadcast. #LDSFace2Face
— Sailor Holt (@sailor23117) May 12, 2015
#LDSFace2Face was amazing. Let's make it happen more often!!! Such an amazing insight and spirit.
— Megan Borup (@MeganBorup22) May 12, 2015
it was such a wonderful opportunity to be a part of this historical event with Elder & Sister Bednar #LDSFace2Face
— Dixie Fernandez (@dixiepixiewinky) May 12, 2015
Others took to Facebook posts to have discussions surrounding those questions that were not answered due to time constraints, including depression and how to prepare for missionary service.
"Our actions reflect our beauty more than physical appearance." - Sister Susan Bednar. What insights are you getting from tonight's #LDSFace2Face with Elder and Sister Bednar?
Posted by LDS Youth on Tuesday, May 12, 2015
To learn more about the event, visit or watch the event on or the LDS Youth Facebook page.