features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Portugal: Church Apostle Visits With Youth

Mormon youth in Portugal had an opportunity to ask questions of Elder David A. Bednar, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. His wife, Sister Susan Bednar, joined him in speaking with the youth in what is called “Face to Face” in Portuguese.

Elder and Sister Bednar said, “This type of communication with our young people is essential because it strengthens the friendship between young people and their witness to the gospel.”
Read more about the youth’s discussion with an apostle on the Portugal Mormon Newsroom website (Portuguese).
Youth around the world will be able to ask questions to Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Susan, in a live social media forum on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, beginning at 6:00 p.m. MDT.
Malaysia: Church Donates New Water Filter System for Dialysis Patients
LDS Charities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has given the Sabah Kidney Society in Malaysia a more efficient and clean system for filtering water for kidney patients.

The Reverse Osmosis System provides pure, clean water for use in dialysis machines. The Sabah Kidney Society was started in 1995 by Dr. Wah Hai Sit, who saw the need to improve dialysis treatment for patients.

Read more about the facility and the Church’s donation on the Malaysia Mormon Newsroom website.
Philippines: 2015 National Day of Service

Thousands of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the Philippines practiced the tenets of their faith as they participated in the national day of service in April.

Wearing their trademark yellow Mormon Helping Hands vests, Latter-day Saints could be seen cleaning trash from communities, beaches, canals, and parks, repainting sidewalks and curbs and planting flowers. Their volunteer service also included health clinics in Church meetinghouses.

Go to the Philippines Mormon Newsroom website to view a video about the project and to read more about their efforts.
Nicaragua: Latter-day Saints and Army Lend Many Hands
More than 100 members of the country’s army joined forces with 150 Mormon members and missionaries to battle sediment and minerals in and around a 525-foot deep lagoon in Motastepe, Managua, near the west coast of Nicaragua.

The Mormon Helping Hands project also included cleaning the area of trash and many other things harmful to the environment.

Go to the Nicaragua Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to get a sense of the comradery created by all participants in the project.
United Kingdom: Mormon Helping Hands Clean Up Orphaned Walkway
A pedestrian walkway located between Chesterfield and Derbyshire in the United Kingdom had become over-grown and unkempt, and citizens let their local government leaders know that it needed to be cleaned up. Community leaders responded to the residents but found the walkway didn’t belong to either city.

Chesterfield City councilor Barry Bingham contacted Mormon missionaries and Church members to see if they might help. Within 24 hours the job was done.
Read more about the story on the United Kingdom Mormon Newsroom website.