The Newsroom Blog

Mormons Around the World: Country Newsroom Websites | March 13 pulls stories from the international Newsroom websites to show what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.

Canada: Latter-day Saint Women Help Prisoners Connect With Their Children
Every two weeks, inmates in an Ontario, Canada provincial women’s jail sign up to work with Latter-day Saint women and record a CD of themselves reading stories for their children. For many of the women who participate, it is the only way they can stay in contact with their children and provide motherly comfort.

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Latter-day Saint women help women in jail communicate with their children through reading books on a CD

Since the program began in 2007, more than 300 children’s books and CDs have been sent each year to children from as far away as Florida, the East Coast and Alberta.

Visit the Canada Mormon Newsroom website to learn more about how Latter-day Saint women are serving.

Uruguay: Church Donates 560 Wheelchairs
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worked with the National Honorary Committee for the Disabled in Montevideo, Uruguay, to provide 560 wheelchairs for people who are disabled.

Elder Francisco J. Viñas of the Church’s Seventy said Latter-day Saints try to follow the example of Jesus Christ to help the needy.

Wheelchair Elder Vinas
Elder Francisco J. Viñas talks about the Church's wheelchair distribution program and Mormon Helping Hands

Training for the volunteers who are helping with the program involves sitting in a wheelchair and going through some of the everyday challenges disabled people face. The Church’s wheelchair distribution program was started 10 years ago.

Refer to the Uruguay Mormon Newsroom website for more on the story.

Australia: Member of Parliament Talks on Healthy Marriage
An Australian member of Parliament spoke to 300 young Latter-day Saints about the importance of marriage and family.

The Hon Kevin Andrews MP is the federal member for Menzies (an electorate in Melbourne), the Shadow Minister for Families, Housing and Human Services and a devoted husband, father and Christian.

Andrews shared research from decades of social science studies that indicated that the well-being of adults and children is best served in a healthy marriage. Read more of what the member of Parliament said on the Australia Mormon Newsroom website.

United Kingdom: British Pageant to Take Place in Summer 2013
Just over 175 years after the first Mormon missionaries landed in Great Britain, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the United Kingdom will host the first British Pageant which will celebrate the stories of their faithful ancestors.

While Church pageants have been around for many years in Manti, Utah; Palmyra, New York; and Nauvoo, Illinois, the British Pageant will be the first official pageant to take place outside of North America.

Read more about the British Pageant preparations on the United Kingdom Mormon Newsroom website.

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