features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Guatemala: Apostle Gives Church Donation to Children’s Hospital
On a recent trip to Central America Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints first made a visit to a children’s cancer hospital.

The donation included medical equipment to assist the team of professionals to make early diagnosis of cancerous tumors.

Read more about it on the Guatemala Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Nicaragua: Elder Rasband Meets with Government Leaders
In addition to speaking to the Church’s missionaries in Nicaragua, Elder Ronald A. Rasband met with the president of the Republic Daniel Ortega Saavedra; Dr. Sonia Castro, Minister of Health; Marcia Ramírez Mercado, Minister of Family, Adolescence and Children; Salvador Vanegas, presidential advisor for Education Affairs and Miriam Raudez, Minister of Education.

The leaders recognized the help the Church has been through LDS Charities in providing donations of wheelchairs, medical equipment, blood donations and training to medical staff in some of the country’s hospitals.
Go to the Nicaragua Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) for more insight into the apostle’s visit.
Pacific, Tonga: Church Leader Encourages Latter-day Saints to be Good Citizens
“If we want to help the Royal family, and we should, we change our hearts and follow Jesus Christ, and everything we do will be for the benefit of the people of this remarkable kingdom,” said Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

He, along with other Mormon apostles are traveling the world ministering to Latter-day Saints and meeting with government leaders.

Read more about his visit to Tonga on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website.
India: Women Church Leaders Visit Asia
Two women leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently returned from a 11-day visit to seven countries and territories in Asia, including India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Sister Linda K. Burton, general president of the Relief Society, Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, met with Latter-day Saints as well as local government officials and NGO (non-governmental organization) partners who are friends of the Church. On a humanitarian visit to the Pure Life Society orphanage in Malaysia, Sister Burton, met with the Society’s president, Mother Mangalam who expressed heartfelt gratitude for the Church’s enduring partnership.

Read more about their visit on the Mormon Newsroom website.
Nigeria: Latter-day Saint Woman Sworn in as Chief Judge
“God is just,” declared new Chief Judge Honorable Justice Esohe Frances Ikponmwen. Appointed by Godwin N. Obaseki, governor of Edo State. “She is known to be fair and strict in the dispensation of justice,” the governor said.

Justice Ikponmwen, a Mormon, joined the judiciary in 1980 and is the first woman to be chief judge the Benin Kingdom.
Read more about this on the Nigeria Mormon Newsroom website.
Malaysia: Celebration for LDS Charities’ Wheelchairs
Music and entertainment greeted new LDS Charities’ wheelchairs for special needs children at a school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Raja Renno, past president of Rotary Club Melawati, has taken this project as his own. He spends long hours every week assessing and placing LDS Charities wheelchairs. His selfless efforts mean these wheelchairs will get to children in need.
Go to the Malaysia Mormon Newsroom website to read about the fun entertainment provided by children.
Pacific, Solomon Islands: Church Donates Wheelchairs to Ministry of Health
LDS Charities turned over the key of a shipping container with 300 wheelchairs and related medical equipment to the Ministry of Health.

Latter-day Saint volunteers in Honiara donned their yellow Mormon Helping Hands vests to assemble the wheelchairs.

The Pacific Mormon Newsroom website has more information.