Relief Society in Action highlights the volunteer service of Latter-day Saint women in their communities around the world. The Relief Society is an organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for women aged 18 and older. It has more than 7.1 million members and is one of the largest women’s organizations in the world. Today we feature news from the Philippines, Uruguay, Mexico, Colombia, Australia and French Polynesia.
‘Action of the Heart’ Helps Women with Breast Cancer in French Polynesia

Tahitian women sew heart pillows for women who are recovering from breast cancer surgery. French Polynesia, May 20222022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In French Polynesia, Relief Society sisters banded together to make heart-shaped pillows for Amazones Pacific, an organization that supports women with breast cancer. This “Action of the Heart” service activity was put together by women in several congregations in Pā'ea, Tahiti. More than 200 pillows were sewn and prepared for women recovering from breast cancer treatment. When placed under the arm, these pillows help relieve post-operative pain by reducing surgery-caused tension. “We called on your Relief Society organization because we know that you help a lot of people and associations in need,” said Noelina Gooding, the vice president of Amazones. Gooding thanked, “the Church for their contribution and this beautiful action of the heart to help women suffering from breast cancer.”
Click here to learn more about how these women are serving those in need.
Women From the Church of Jesus Christ in Montevideo, Uruguay, Serve Local School

Members of the Montevideo North Stake Relief Society paint old playground equipment at a public school in Montevideo, Uruguay on Saturday, April 9, 2022. 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.To commemorate the 180th anniversary of the Relief Society organization, women in Montevideo, Uruguay, held a service activity at a local school. Volunteers painted playground equipment and benches in the school’s courtyard. The school serves nearly 250 children, providing not only an education but also meals.
The Relief Society Presidency of the Montevideo North Stake (a group of congregations) also met with the school’s director to explain the purpose of the organization and give her a copy of the Book of Mormon.
Click here to learn more on Spanish Newsroom about this heartfelt act of service.
Sydney Latter-day Saint Women Support Local Women's Shelter

Belinda Verhagen, Welfare Support Worker (far left), received the donations on behalf of Craig Locke, General Manager, who couldn't be there due to a previous engagement.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In celebration of the Relief Society organization’s 180th anniversary, women of the Freshwater Ward (local congregation) in Sydney, Australia, collected donations for a local women’s shelter. They gathered much-needed toiletries, and personal hygiene and hair care items for the Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter, a nonprofit organization that relies entirely on community support. It provides crisis accommodation, support and safety for women who are without a home due to abuse, financial strife or other reasons.
Click here to read more about how the Relief Society in Sydney helps those in need.
Women in Mexico celebrate the 180th anniversary of the Relief Society by Serving Others
Sisters from the Church of Jesus Christ all over Mexico accepted the invitation of the Relief Society General Presidency to serve during the month before the organization’s 180th anniversary, with the promise that doing so would change their lives in a positive way. In Acapulco, sisters delivered food for patients’ family members to hospitals. In Oaxaca, sisters planned three days of activities that helped them and others draw closer to Jesus Christ. They met again at the conclusion of the three days to share their experiences.
Click here to go to Spanish Newsroom to read more about the Relief Society in Mexico.
Activity Illuminates the Lives of Hospitalized Children in Colombia

Members of the La Campina Ward Relief Society share smiles and hope with the children admitted to the Federico Lleras Hospital in Ibague, Colombia. 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In Ibagué, Colombia, leaders of the La Campina Ward Relief Society organized a special event to cheer up children who have cancer and are being treated at the Federico Lleras Hospital. Following the invitation of their local leader to “extend the light of Christ to those around us,” volunteers brightened the children’s day through games, costumes and songs. One of the participants, Yessenia Cely, said that it was a “unique experience … each one of the sisters [left] their roles as serious, adult, rigid people … dressing up in whatever it was, doing pirouettes, singing, talking, jumping, playing.” She added, “We have seen the emotion of those little angels … with hugs and smiles [they] told us thank you.”
Click here to read more about this service activity on Spanish Newsroom.
Latter-day Saint Women Answer the Clarion Call to Serve in Melbourne

Melbourne volunteers donate food to vulnerable members of their community. March 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.As part of their celebration of the 180th anniversary of the Relief Society organization, volunteers from Melbourne, Australia, and nearby suburbs organized a food drive to serve the needs of vulnerable members of their community. Working in conjunction with a local charity, the Humble Mission, Relief Society women assembled over 100 food packs and hygiene kits and delivered them to those in need. The Mt. Ridley Ward (congregation) Relief Society president, Sister Tobey Sapolu, said, “What a weekend. My heart is full of thanks to all the Relief Society sisters for continuing to provide relief where needed, and for always answering the clarion call to serve."
Click here to read the rest of this story of charity for those most in need.
Recounting the Work and Essence of the Relief Society in Manila
In celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, women from different faith-based organizations in the Philippines gathered to celebrate the gift of womanhood and friendship. Sixty women leaders participated in discussions that explored common responses to the call toward respect for human dignity, gender equality and sustainability.
Click here to learn more about the Relief Society in the Philippines.