How do you suspend a 187-million-pound iconic temple while excavating 20 feet below its nearly 170-year-old foundation? With reinforced steel tubes in a process called “jack and bore.” This process is a key component in the seismic upgrade of the Salt Lake Temple, now in its third year of renovation.
Watch this video showing why jack and bore crews spend eight-plus hours a day in steel tubes hand digging under the tonnage of the temple and why they must be laser-focused with their approach. The entire temple literally rests on the result of their gritty but intricate work.
As part of the Salt Lake Temple renovation project, many of the grounds and areas surrounding Temple Square are being remodeled. The new landscape design will better integrate the temple grounds with Main Street, the Church Office Building plaza and the northwest areas of the temple that surround it.

Temple Square Renovation August 2022
The Main Street Plaza gardens, reflection pool and decorative landscaping are removed to repair and add new waterproofing to the decking that covers the underground employee parking garage as part of the Temple Square renovation project in Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2022. © 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Main Street Plaza began renovation in April. The gardens, reflection pool and decorative landscaping were removed to repair and add new waterproofing to the decking that covers the underground employee parking garage.

Temple Square Renovation August 2022
Crews repair and add new waterproofing to the decking that covers the underground employee parking garage on the Main Street Plaza during the Temple Square renovation project in Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.New stonework is being installed on the Church Office Building plaza. The walking areas are also receiving new pavers.

Temple Square Renovation August 2022
A construction worker lays new stone pavers on the Church Office Building plaza as the Temple Square renovation project continues, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Temple Square Renovation August 2022
Progress on the remodeling of the Church Office Building plaza can be seen from this aerial view facing east. When completed the plaza will include new garden areas, walking paths and an international country flag display, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Crews have made progress on implementing a newly designed contemplative garden space northwest of the temple. The gardens will include additional restroom facilities for visitors to Temple Square and events in the Tabernacle and Assembly Hall.

Temple Square Renovation August 2022
View of the renovation work underway surrounding the Salt Lake Tabernacle on Temple Square. Space is set aside for new restroom facilities that will help support attendees of events at the Tabernacle and Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The West Temple mid-block crosswalk has been closed for several months. New planter boxes are being built as part of the future crosswalk between Temple Square and the Church History Museum.