New Caledonia
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An overseas territory of France, New Caledonia is a group of islands in the South Pacific.
Church activity in New Caledonia began in the 1950s as a few Tahitian members migrated to work in a nickel smelter. They were organized into the Noumea Branch (a small congregation) on 21 October 1961, however, visas for missionaries were not obtained until 1967. On 15 July 1968, the first two missionaries arrived, Harold and Jeannine Richards, and their daughter, Jacquelina.
In June 1975, administration over the island group was transferred to the Fiji Suva Mission, and more progress was realized. The Noumea Branch was divided, and the small Church building was enlarged. In July 1978, the Tontouta Branch was organized.
In 1990, there were 382 members in New Caledonia. By 1997, there were more than 1,000 members. In 2012 the Noumea New Caledonia Stake was organized. Also in 2012, the New Caledonia island group was transferred from the Fiji Suva Mission to the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission.
For Journalist Use Only
Richard Hunter
New Zealand
Phone: 64(9)488-5572
Mobile: 64-21-240-7804