Facts and Statistics




Total Church Membership







143 Wards
29 Branches


FamilySearch Centers





Throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathering to the Western United States traveled through Wyoming. Between 1847 and 1859, tens of thousands of Saints followed the Oregon Trail between Fort Laramie and Fort Bridger before heading south to the Salt Lake Valley. In 1855, Church members purchased Fort Bridger and Fort Supply and created permanent settlements that helped resupply travelers on both the Mormon and Oregon Trails. Most pioneer companies traveled through Wyoming without incident. However, the Willie and Martin handcart companies of 1857 started later in the year and became trapped in the winter snows. Approximately 200 of the 1,075 in the companies died. Others were saved by rescue parties dispatched from Salt Lake City. Historic sites along Interstate 80 in Wyoming commemorate many of the events of Latter-day Saint overland migration including the tragic events of 1857.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, a rapid influx of Latter-day Saints gathering to the west from other parts of the United States and Europe led members to create several communities in Wyoming. In 1877, Church members began settling in the Star Valley area, and the following year, Church President Brigham Young dedicated the spot as a gathering place for members. Additional settlements were formed in the Teton, Bear, and Bridger Valleys and the Bighorn Basin. In 1892, the first stake of the Church in Wyoming was organized in Star Valley. Stakes are now organized in every major city in Wyoming.

Saints in Wyoming have partnered with their local communities to provide service and aid in times of need. In 2015, 270 members of the Casper Wyoming Stake, including 120 youth, volunteered to assist in the cleanup of Lusk, Wyoming, after much of the community was destroyed by floods. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Latter-day Saint Charities partnered with the Black 14 Philanthropy to provide assistance in African American communities throughout the United States.

In 2016, the Star Valley Wyoming Temple was dedicated in Afton, Wyoming. Two additional temples are now under construction in Casper and Cody.